1,000’s of People are waiting for you!

Join our community of video creators

Create short videos for the brands you love – get free products and cash rewards. It’s super easy to join! ❤️

Your video content is about to take off 🚀

A Few Simple Steps to Becoming Video Creator

Q &A

Joining DoReel is simple—if you have a passion for creating engaging content and a knack for storytelling, you’re the creator we’re looking for. Sign up, complete your profile, and you’re ready to pitch to advertisers.

Advertisers on DoReel are seeking a wide range of content, from TikTok videos and Instagram stories to product reviews and e-commerce ads. Whatever your specialty, there’s likely a demand for your skills.

Earnings on DoReel start at $25 for a 15-second video, with the potential to increase based on the project’s complexity and duration. You set your rates based on your experience and the demand for your work.

DoReel ensures secure and timely payments through our platform. Once your content is approved, the agreed-upon amount is processed and deposited directly into your account, we payout using 

Our support team is here to help you navigate any challenges you may encounter. We strive to ensure a fair and positive experience for all our creators.

Absolutely! We encourage our creators to take on multiple projects as long as they can manage them effectively. This allows you to maximize your earning potential and build a diverse portfolio.

Our platform features an intuitive matching system that suggests gigs based on your skills, interests, and past successful projects. You can also use filters to search for specific opportunities that align with your expertise and creative style.

We encourage open communication between creators and advertisers to minimize rejections. However, if content is not accepted, we provide detailed feedback so you can make the necessary adjustments. You’ll have the opportunity to resubmit or apply for new gigs that suit your talents.

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